The storm has passed .. and yes .. today we’ll get back to our daily routines .. we’ll get to work .. and yes .. be back on track within a few hours .. for those who are displaced we will continue to fervently pray for each of them .. however .. no matter where we are or what we’re doing today .. we will all  be faced with making decisions .. for yes .. decision making comes on a regular basis .. haha  ..  personally I’ve been struggling with a decision I must make .. I’ve conferred with my family .. and yes .. have prayed and sought God to make the right one .. haha ..  and yes ..  I know the answer .. but no .. it doesn’t make it any easier .. and yes  .. we’ve all been there .. wanting to see where our decisions will take us .. however .. God doesn’t give us that view .. He’s far too wise for that .. He doesn’t give us a sneak peak of the future ..  although He could .. but no .. He doesn’t .. so we trust .. we trust that what we know in our heart is right .. we must do .. and yes ..  the beauty of this is that even though we don’t know the future .. we know who holds the future .. and yes  .. what He does for us is far better than a view of what’s ahead .. for friends .. He gives us a view of Himself .. He shows Himself as the all powerful .. and yes .. all knowing God .. haha .. who yes .. is for us and never against us .. He shows Himself as being far more committed to us than we are to Him .. He promises that He’ll never leave us nor forsake us .. He promises that He will work all things for good .. and yes .. will hold us firm to the end ..  so no .. we don’t look at the future .. we keep our eyes on Him .. for the truth is  .. decisions are difficult simply because .. most of the time .. we don’t trust Him with the results of those decisions ..  haha .. yes sweet friends .. decisions can be hard  because we’re prone to throw away our comfort .. to find our hope in a vision of the future .. more than the One .. who yes .. holds the future .. for yes .. our confidence in making decisions is directly related to our confidence in Him .. so in knowing this truth .. we cling to love Himself .. we allow Him to lead us and guide us .. for yes .. we know that we know that we know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“If any of you lacks wisdom .. you should ask God .. who gives generously to all without finding fault .. and it will be given to you”






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