The most obvious way of renewing our strength ..   is simply ..  to wait on God regularly in prayer .. for friends .. as with any relationship ..  if we don’t maintain and keep an open communication ..   the relationship  ..  it’ll wither and die ..  I found this out many years ago ..  way before face book or blog posts ..  I kept a diary ..  for years .. haha .. I laugh because Donald .. he’ll have to deal with the years of stories of my daily activities and encounters  .. as well as .. my personal prayers .. for even in my worse times .. I found writing was the perfect way to communicate with Him .. and  .. to be able to get things out ..  so to keep moving .. no friends .. once a week .. it’s just never enough to build our relationship to where it needs to be ..  for me .. I need guidance .. haha ..  certainly daily .. and .. often hourly ..  of course .. when we start this practice ..  we’ll have times when we appear to be only talking to ourselves .. with no response  .. but please .. remember .. we have to persevere through these times ..  for friends .. we all have our own way of reaching out to Him ..  through prayer books ..  internet sources .. Bible passages .. music .. candles .. stones .. by spontaneously sharing our concerns and weaknesses with a friend ..  or .. we may find ourselves simply sitting quietly .. while emptying our mind .. for Him to enter .. it’s not always easy .. and time .. has a way of getting away from us .. but friends ..  I can tell you from experience .. it doesn’t matter how we make time each day for Him .. as long as we do it .. for we all need to give ourselves a chance .. on a regular basis .. to experience .. His refreshment and renewal .. yes .. for when we do .. our days are easier .. our burdens are lighter .. and .. our hearts are fuller .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.

 “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength .. they will soar on wings like eagles ..  they will run and not grow weary .. they will walk and not be faint”




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