“Self-Control” ..  whether it’s sticking to a diet and exercise program or knowing when to hold our tongue .. most of us feel we  come up short in this department …  the Book of Proverbs speaks of it’s importance ..  “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control”  .. yes .. self control seems to imply a hefty dose of sheer willpower ..  haha .. and indeed .. work is involved .. Scripture tells us that self -control is a gift .. and now it’s time we understand .. how much is up to us .. and .. how much is up to God .. His grace teaches us to say no to what’s not good for us ..  so friends .. since His grace is our instructor .. it’s imperative the we do well as students .. to learn takes attentiveness and humility .. we have to TRUST our teacher who knows so much more than us .. we need to ACCEPT that the lessons we face may not always be entertaining .. relaxing.. or .. humorous .. and .. they may not satisfy our obvious desires .. but .. they will ..  lead our hearts toward deeper ones .. for becoming a good student in the school of self-control .. we must listen with the simple intention of learning what’s being taught .. self-control grows when we pay attention to .. ‘whatever is true .. whatever is noble .. whatever is right .. whatever is pure .. whatever is lovely .. whatever is admirable’  ..  so each day we take the time to meditate on these things .. removing our focus on who we are now .. and .. refocusing our attention on who He wants us to be .. you see .. self-control depends on how much control .. we allow Him to have in our lives .. simply put .. the more we desire His will .. the easier it is to choose it .. yes .. no matter how hard we try .. there will be times when we stumble and fall .. yet .. we get back up and refocus our eyes on the prize .. we ask for the renewal of this gift of self-control .. and .. He gives it to us ..  no problem .. no questions asked .. oh yeah .. LoveWinsPeriod

But the fruit of the Spirit is love .. joy .. peace .. patience .. kindness .. goodness .. faithfulness .. gentleness .. self-control .. against such things there is no law.








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