Friends ..  God commands us to love one another  just as we love ourselves .. however .. the truth is .. when we honestly look within .. we’ll find by nature .. we’re not patient or kind people .. no ..  in reality we’re a jealous prideful selfish rude envious and a downright rude bunch of people .. and yes .. most of the time .. we totally demand our own way .. haha ..  oh but friends .. what we must remember .. it’s never by our own strength that we can demonstrate His love unconditionally .. it’s by His .. for yes .. it’s when we become bonded together and walking with Him .. we’ll find that His beautiful love shines through us naturally .. and yes .. it’s then we actually become .. not only willing .. but yes .. able to love as He commands .. for yes sweet friends .. it totally rings true again and again .. that yes  .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Love is patient .. love is kind .. it does not envy .. it does not boast .. it is not proud .. it does not dishonor others .. it is not self-seeking .. it is not easily angered .. it keeps no record of wrongs .. love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth .. it always protects .. always trusts .. always hopes .. always perseveres”


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