We’ve all had disagreements as well as felt betrayed by someone we love .. some so severe that we’ve simply cut this “offender” off and exiled them from our lives .. feeling totally justified that they were wrong .. haha .. and .. we were right .. oh but friends .. we need to take a look in the mirror .. it takes two to tango .. and .. we’ve all done our share of dancing in this life .. you see .. as Believers and Followers of Christ .. we are to have loving .. caring .. and .. forgiving spirits .. we are to be open .. (just as Paul found in his relationship with Barnabas) .. and willing to restore a relationship .. to forge ahead and leave the past behind .. for many times .. the real problem is with the one we see each day in that mirror .. that’s right .. let’s be honest .. none of us like conflict .. and when it does arise .. we have to make room for restoration and healing .. after all .. that’s the way we’re made .. yes .. in His image .. and we know .. He’s not going to act ugly and neither should we .. for .. He can restore what is broken and change it into something amazing .. and .. all we need to do .. is to act on our faith .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period​.

“Always be humble and gentle .. Be patient with each other .. making allowance for each others faults because of your love.”


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