Friends .. I’ve tried travelling this road of life .. in every way possible .. thinking I was trusting and following God’s direction .. haha .. until one day .. the truth actually hit me .. for friends .. the truth is .. haha .. we simply .. can only trust God as much as we love Him .. that’s right .. so .. as we travel through this journey .. we’ll simply find .. our confidence in His love .. is always coupled with trust .. and yes .. this means letting Him .. haha .. take the wheel .. for friends .. when love and trust are combined .. they’re like a match to faith .. they set our confidence on fire .. so much so .. that we’ll simply and willingly … travel anywhere He’s taking us .. and yes .. we’ll do this .. without fear .. haha .. that’s right .. so .. when we finally wake up .. and yes .. we get it .. we can again .. “willingly” .. allow Him to truly take the wheel .. yes friends .. even when life is tough and we’re not sure where we’re headed .. we’ll find .. moment by moment .. that trusting Him .. and yes .. letting go of our own selves .. that simply .. peace .. love .. rest .. and yes .. total contentment .. will follow .. fillling us to the brim .. haha .. and yes .. we’ll have no problem .. for anxiously .. we’ll get in that passenger seat .. and yes .. enjoy the ride .. for friends .. bottom line .. it’s the ultimate ride of our lives .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“But overhearing what they said .. Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue .. “Do not fear, only believe”


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