Christmas Eve .. my mind goes back to a time when we lived in Mexico .. haha .. yes .. we lived in Mexico .. and yes .. one of the things I remember most about living there .. other than the pure beauty of it’s natural surroundings .. was the incredible Christmas traditions that they held so close to their hearts .. it’s Christmas Eve .. the families joined together for midnight mass .. followed by a big feast .. yes .. in the middle of the night .. haha .. unlike most of us .. their nativity scene on their mantel didn’t have baby Jesus laying in the manger .. that is .. until tonight .. yes .. at the big feast following mass .. they would celebrate with lots of food and drink .. the birth of Jesus Christ .. and yes .. it’s then .. they take that sweet little baby Jesus and place Him in His manger .. for Christ was born on this day .. oh yes .. we all know the story .. the story that has driven us by Faith .. and yes .. given us our Hope for all of these years .. haha .. so .. after this day went by celebrating His miraculous birth .. the children would anxiously await for Kings day .. which was about twelve days later .. and yes .. it was then those beautiful children would tear into their Christmas gifts .. like no other .. haha .. I’ve always thought how wonderful and true to scripture this tradition is .. I’ve also wondered why we don’t do the same .. it makes perfect sense .. think about it .. on the night Jesus was born a bright star shone for the world to see .. the three Wise Men .. bearing gifts from afar .. followed that star .. and yes .. it most likely .. did in fact .. take them over a week to travel the distance it took .. haha .. to get to where the Messiah laid .. sleeping in the hay of a makeshift manger .. built by a carpenter .. to honor Our King .. and yes .. when they arrived it was a glorious site to see .. our Lord laying there .. immediately filling hearts with peace .. that perfect peace that comes from knowing Him .. haha .. what an awesome way to celebrate the “reason for the season” .. however .. the truth is .. although this is a beautiful tradition .. and yes .. if we want .. it can be our tradition too .. friends .. it doesn’t really matter when or where we celebrate His birth .. what matters is .. that we come to know Him .. and yes .. that we honor Him and His ways all throughout the year .. for yes .. throughout our lives we’ll face many things .. some good .. and yes .. some bad .. but through it all .. with Him .. we’ll survive it .. and yes .. we’ll keep moving .. for life is life .. it deals its hand .. and yes .. we play it as best we can .. so friends .. in knowing this truth .. I don’t know about you .. haha .. but me .. I’ll take my chances with Him for that great ..”big win” .. haha .. it’s Christmas Eve .. share the love of Jesus with someone today .. share the “reason for the season” .. and yes .. what we’ve grown to know .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“For to us a child is born .. to us a Son is given .. and the government will be on His shoulders .. and He will be called Wonderful Counselor .. Mighty God .. Everlasting Father .. Prince of Peace”

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