Friends .. the truth is .. God .. haha .. He knows us better than we even know ourselves .. and no .. there’s simply .. nothing anyone can tell Him about us that He doesn’t already know .. haha .. and yes .. even with that ..  He loves us anyway .. and yes sweet friends .. when we go to Him and cling to His side .. it doesn’t matter one bit .. what people remember about our past .. no sweet friends .. it doesn’t matter what they tell Him about the person we used to be .. for the truth is .. haha .. all He sees is a new .. beautiful ..  and yes .. flawless person beside Him .. haha .. that’s it .. for yes yes yes ..  He loves us so big .. He actually .. and yes ..  completely .. forgets our past and moves us into His marvelous .. and yes .. glorious light .. haha .. He loves us in spite of .. and simply .. not because of .. oh I know .. haha .. we think our many mistakes and mis judgements are too great to be forgiven .. but friends .. it doesn’t matter if we’ve done the worst of the worst ..  I’m here to tell you  .. haha ..  those thoughts are from the enemy .. for simply .. God loves .. He forgives .. and yes .. He’s gracious .. so .. let people wag their tongues as they will .. for simply .. we know who we are .. and yes .. we know who we belong to .. for we are saved .. we are delivered .. and yes ..  we are set free .. for simply sweet friends ..  we’ve been washed clean .. and yes .. we can stand before Him .. haha .. our God .. who is ever so proud .. to simply ..  call us His  “boo”  .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“No .. in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us .. for I am sure that neither death nor life .. nor angels nor rulers .. nor things present nor things to come .. nor powers .. nor height nor depth .. nor anything else in all creation .. will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord”

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