Even though we know it in our heart .. there are so many times we have to remind ourselves of this simple truth .. God is bigger than all our worries and all of our problems put together ..  we must focus on this ..  if we are to have any victory in our lives .. we all suffer with these difficulties .. His Word tells us that temptation is “common” to man ..  and .. we cannot let the enemy deceive us into thinking that all our problems are all our fault ..  that all our worries will come true .. that all our anger condemns us .. or ..  that all our guilt is from Him .. for God .. He forgives and He cleanses .. He doesn’t want us to feel ashamed, ..  He wants us to take Him at His Word  .. friends .. none of our sins are so heavy that He cannot lift them from us and throw them into the deepest sea .. for the bottom line and in reality .. feelings come from thoughts …  even though we can’t change how we feel .. we can change how we think … this is what He wants us to do .. so we get up .. take one step at a time .. ask Him to guide us .. we meditate on His goodness when those anxieties of life come along ..  haha .. the secret to letting it go and giving it to Him is no secret .. it’s simply asking Him to take our burden and be our Big God .. cause after all .. that’s reality … oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

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