Trusting God ..  it’s the  greatest stress reliever in the world ..  and friends .. our minds play an important role in this process ..  you see .. we have the choice … we can rely on our own understanding and insight  .. constantly thinking about our problems  .. trying to figure them all our by ourselves .. haha  .. or .. we can choose .. to put on the mindset of trust ..   trusting God ..  that He  .. will help us when we do not know what to do .. that He .. will guide us .. simply because ..  we know  .. we do not know what to do .. and in the meantime .. while we wait for His direction .. we trust Him .. and .. we enjoy our lives while He’s working it out ..  you see .. most of us .. we are professionals of worry ..  we’re really good at it .. we’ll sit and look at what’s in front of us for hours on end .. taking away valuable time we could be using to be happy  .. and .. yes ..  productive ..  His Word tells us .. to not let our hearts be troubled nor be afraid .. so plainly .. we must stop this madness ..  for simply  .. He is giving us His Peace .. the catch .. we have to choose to accept it ..  you see..   He always has a good ..  acceptable .. and ..  perfect plan for us ..  for in Him .. our minds have been renewed .. and ..  we no longer have to think the same old way .. we are learning .. to think the way He thinks ..  so .. when life throws a curve ball and we’re tempted to stress out .. we must choose .. positive .. faith filled thoughts .. straight from His Word .. knowing that no matter what things look like today .. He’s going to see us through .. and .. He’s working on our behalf .. haha ..  the bottom line .. He knew our problem before we ever got it .. and .. He already has a plan .. so .. we sit back and we watch .. His glorious promise unfold ..  oh  yeah .. Love Wins Period

“Peace I leave with you .. my peace I give you  .. I do not give to you as the world gives .. do not let your hearts be troubled .. neither let them be afraid”




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