Friends .. it’s when we truly surrender our heart and mind to Jesus .. that yes .. we come to the conclusion that He is indeed with us in every circumstance each and every day .. for no .. He’s not with us only one day a week .. but yes .. He’s here twenty four seven .. haha .. and yes .. it’s when we realize this truth .. it will change the way we live our lives .. for yes .. it’s then we’ll understand that everything matters .. and yes .. He’s with us everywhere we go .. for the bottom line is this .. our journey’s not about some far away destination .. no .. it’s worked out in the details of our everyday lives .. so yes .. if we view our lives as an excursion .. we will .. willfully see each and every moment as an opportunity to become more like Him .. rather than .. haha .. waiting on those carefully selected hours each week .. when yes .. we take the stage to act like Him .. yes sweet friends .. He’s with us .. and yes ..He’s here twenty four seven .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Have I not commanded you? .. be strong and courageous .. do not be frightened .. and do not be dismayed .. for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”

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