Change .. one of those constants in life .. haha .. while some changes are positive .. others can be .. not so much so .. and yes .. either way it can be stressful .. however .. the Bible teaches us two great truths about change .. first and foremost .. despite the changing world around us .. God is changeless .. and yes .. He’s dependable .. secondly .. He’s calling out to us for an inner change of heart that produces an outer change of lifestyle .. haha .. for yes .. repentance and obedience are always in the mix .. and friends .. it’s when our hearts are changed .. that yes .. our lives are changed forever .. for yes .. we’re now imitators of love itself .. for yes .. He is love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Be imitators of God .. therefore .. as beloved children .. and walk in love .. just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant sacrificial offering to God”

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