I’m grateful that I have learned without irritation to be interruptable in life .. haha .. for as we all know .. interruptions are inevitable .. it’s just the way life works .. think about how Joseph and Mary must have felt when their lives were dramatically interrupted by angelic announcements .. haha .. and yes ..  the amazing element in their story is that they both accepted the interruptions with a sense of resolved surrender .. a surrender that put them in a place where God could accomplish far more through them than their uninterrupted lives ever would have dreamed of .. haha .. and yes ..  though awkward and challenging .. His unexpected change in their plans gave them the honor of parenting the very Son of God .. and yes .. our world has never been the same again ..  so yes .. the lesson for us is simply .. when He interrupts our best laid plans and expectations .. we cannot resist .. no .. we must surrender .. and yes .. start looking for His hand as we serve Him obediently in spite of the uncertainty that is staring us in the face .. trusting in Him .. simply because .. He knows what He’s doing .. for yes ..  He is God .. and yes ..  He is Love .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period

“Don’t be afraid, Mary .. you have found favor with God .. you will become pregnant .. give birth to a son .. and name him Jesus ..
 He will be a great man and will be called the Son of the Most High


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