I woke up this morning thinking about trust .. and yes .. just how much I trust God .. and not only that .. but totally rely on His direction in my life .. for the truth is .. He is our hope .. and yes .. He is our strength .. oh yes .. we may want to trust in things people or even circumstances .. for yes .. we’ve been programmed to think we can create security in such things as money and success .. for yes .. they do appear to be safe secure and comfortable .. especially compared to the chaos outside of them .. however .. apart from Him .. even our best built plan simply cannot protect us .. for yes .. we all come to a point where we have to face an important choice in our lives .. we can accept His invitation to step into the adventure of life .. or .. we can cling to what we think is safe while trying our best to avoid any kind of fear and risk .. haha .. and yes .. as unlikely as it may seem .. our real security comes when we face our fears and put our wholehearted trust in Him .. and yes .. what He has waiting for each of us .. for yes sweet friends .. this is our road to real growth .. it’s where our faith develops .. it’s part of discovering and obeying our calling .. for yes .. this is where we find Him .. just as He’s done since the beginning of time .. He’s looking .. and yes .. waiting for us .. He wants us to step out and walk with Him .. oh yes .. we’ll still face storms .. and yes .. we’ll strive to take risks .. and yes .. at times we may fail .. but now .. we have that comfort of knowing that we can trust that He’ll be with us twenty four seven .. haha .. constantly reaching out to help .. for yes sweet friends .. He loves us big .. and yes .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“Yes .. come ..” Jesus said .. so Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus”

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