Friends .. every day we face decisions .. some small .. and yes .. haha ..  some not so small  .. however .. the thing we need to stay mindful of .. is simply .. God will never ask us or tell us to do something that’s against His Word ..  haha .. oh yes .. there are many verses that tell us what not to do with some being outright sins .. while others are certainly foolish and certainly not wise .. haha .. but again friends  .. He’s not going to tell us to do something that’s against His Word ..  and yes ..  when He does tell us to do something ..  He’ll simply open the way ..  and no .. we won’t have to force a thing ..  for yes .. the opportunity is going to be set in place .. and friends .. haha ..  when this happens .. we need to be ready ..  we need to grab hold of it when it comes .. because  yes .. haha .. it can and will pass us by .. for the truth is .. our minds and spirits are close together .. and yes .. when He speaks .. we can hear Him .. simply because ..  we’re listening .. and yes .. we’re expecting Him ..  oh yes .. we all so welcome that still small voice of confidence and love .. that nudge that feels like no other .. haha .. so yes sweet friends .. when we heed His call  .. we can trust without a doubt .. He’ll be with us to the end  .. for yes yes yes ..  we’re walking by faith in this life we live  .. and no .. we’re not going to do it perfectly .. but yes .. we can try and we can learn .. while yes .. staying mindful to listen even more .. haha ..  while yes .. simply doing better with each passing day .. bottom line ..  Our God .. He’s an awesome teacher .. and no .. He’s not going to tell us to do something that’s against His Word ..  so yes .. haha ..  oh yeah ..  love wins period

“So faith comes from hearing .. and hearing through the word of Christ


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