To live by faith .. is simply about our free will .. “choice” ..  to trust God and choose His way over our own ..  yes .. sweet friends .. it’s that simple ..  it’s all  about keeping that faith ..  not only when things are peaceful  .. oh no .. we must keep it ..  even when life gets dirty .. you know .. those times .. when we’d rather give up .. or .. maybe even .. choose another path .. haha ..  oh yes .. I’d love to be the one to say I get this right every time .. but .. I simply do not ..  nope .. not me .. oh .. I want to .. absolutely ..  I want to be the one that never falters .. but .. that’s just not possible .. for any of us .. simply because .. we are only human .. and daily .. the enemy .. he’s going to attack us .. with all he has .. to keep us so far down that we can’t see the light .. but friends .. we’re not going to stand for that nonsense .. no way  .. we’re fighting back .. we’re staying strong in God’s Word .. we’re keeping our hearts desire .. to be more like Him .. while living .. our lives for Him .. for .. it is then we’ll find ..  when those battles set up camp in our heart .. we  totally trust .. it’s all about that .. “choice” .. to choose good .. even when we have to go against everything that feels natural within us to do so  .. haha …  that’s right .. friends .. we’ve got this .. for .. we know that we know that we know .. victory is ahead ..  and .. all we have to do .. is keep moving .. simple truth .. oh yeah ..  Love Wins Period

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind .. and God is faithful .. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear ..  but when you are tempted .. He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it”



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