Friends .. as most of us have learned .. life .. it just doesn’t always go as planned .. haha .. I know .. I know .. this is not shocking news .. or .. even something we’ve not heard or experienced before .. but .. it’s definitely worth repeating to ourselves .. over and over and over again .. haha .. we all create visions for ourselves .. whether business or personal .. and .. we absolutely should do that .. for clarity .. it’s important if we want to succeed .. in the way WE want to succeed .. that’s right .. for .. it’s when we don’t create a vision or plan for things .. that .. we are leaving it into the hands of someone else .. and that someone else .. may not always have our “well being” in mind .. even when we believe they do .. or .. they.. themselves .. believe they do .. haha .. however .. although .. planning is good .. at the same time .. we must allow life to change things up as we go .. you know what I mean .. we need to .. go with the flow .. and .. see where God takes us .. for friends .. it’s when we find ourselves trying to take full control over our lives .. that things rarely .. if ever .. work out as we have them planned .. haha .. so .. let’s step back and take a look .. all those planned things that didn’t all happen for us in life .. they didn’t happen .. simply because .. they weren’t suppose to .. and .. it’s just that simple .. for you see .. He has us right where we are .. at this very moment .. doing exactly what we’re doing .. simply because .. that’s where He wants us to be .. oh no .. we may not know the reason why .. but it doesn’t matter .. for we know .. that as long as we are living in His world .. there is a reason .. and .. that reason is .. to make us be the person that we are .. and .. the person we are meant to become .. and friends .. to do .. the wonderful things we are meant to do .. for Him .. so .. we don’t stress .. we go with the flow .. and yes .. absolutely .. we take the time to envision where we’d like to be .. and then .. we don’t worry about how we’re going to get there .. or .. if we’re going to get there at all .. for .. we know .. there will be twists and turns .. failures .. and.. unexpected successes on our way .. for life with Him .. is a journey .. and .. we’re all headed .. to that final glorious destination .. so .. come on now .. let’s enjoy this ride .. oh yeah people .. Love Wins Period.
“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways”

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