Today is my dad and one of my brothers birthday .. my dad would have been 88 today and my brother 68 .. ha .. where did the time go? .. it seems like yesterday I was saying goodbye to them both .. yet .. it’s been years .. so many things happen in life and we look back .. and yes .. we have regrets .. all the things we would have said or done .. if only we had the time .. haha .. but friends .. it’s when we look back and regret .. we simply find ourselves indulging in the self centered act .. haha .. of beating ourselves up over past mistakes .. for the truth is .. we’ve all made mistakes .. and yes .. when we operate out of the craziness of this totally addictive process .. we not only harm ourselves .. but others as well .. haha .. the neglect we have placed on ourselves and on the ones we love .. is yes .. the nature of what addiction is all about .. haha .. oh but friends .. it’s when we get into that quiet place with God .. that He shows us how .. to simply be able to make amends to not only those things of the past .. but to ourselves as well .. and yes .. let go and move on .. haha .. no friends .. we cannot build our lives on shame .. guilt .. or .. regret .. the only thing we can do with these .. without letting them go .. is to wallow in them .. and friends .. it’s not a good place to lay .. haha .. no way .. bottom line .. if any one of us is wallowing this morning .. we need to get up .. and yes .. we need to quit wasting the energy it takes from us .. and simply .. build on it .. and yes .. integrate it .. right on into a life that benefits those who are simply trying to let go themselves .. for yes .. it’s a battle for us all .. but friends .. with Him by our side .. we’ll simply find .. haha .. it’s just one more “life” battle won .. and yes .. again and again and again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“But thanks be to God .. who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ”


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