If we were to keep a list of our problems and concerns of today .. and then .. let’s say .. a week .. a month .. or even .. a year later .. sat down and reviewed it .. haha .. we’d be very surprised to find .. most of what we were concerned about today .. never came to anything .. and .. not only that .. but .. somehow .. we passed right through it .. simply with .. prayer for God’s help .. smart decisions .. sound actions .. and .. the help of good people .. for friends .. as Believers .. we’re so blessed to know .. without a doubt .. that in the end .. He .. the Creator of the Universe is in charge .. He’s going to take care of us .. and .. He’s going to bring good out of all our sufferings and problems .. for simply .. we are truly at rest .. in His loving hands .. and so .. with grateful hearts .. we can now .. shift our focus .. right off ourselves .. and .. listen to others who are experiencing difficult times .. giving them .. the same answers He has given us .. for their .. “seemingly” .. impossible situations .. for we know .. how much we appreciate .. having someone to listen to what we’re going through .. no .. we don’t expect them to fix the problem .. we just truly appreciate the fact .. that we were able to share our worries with someone else who cared .. that’s right people .. we are here .. to be here .. for each other .. and .. above it all .. to pray for each other .. as we go through all the ups and downs .. that this life we live .. deals out .. it’s true .. it’s all about love .. and yes .. we all know .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Bear one another’s burdens .. and so fulfill the law of Christ”

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