Friends .. most all of us have lived through some pretty tough times in our lives .. haha .. and yes .. the fear of those times can be absolutely immobilizing .. but friends .. we don’t have to be worried .. for simply .. we know without a doubt .. nothing that happens to us escapes God’s notice .. haha .. that’s right .. He’s fully aware of .. and yes .. totally involved in every detail of our lives .. haha .. when we allow Him be .. and yes .. He promises that we’ll never be tested beyond our ability to respond .. haha .. oh yes I know .. temptations are always the strongest when we’re in the middle of tough times .. for the truth is .. when our present looks bleak .. that’s when that old enemy raises up .. and yes .. tells us it’s going to be even bleaker .. haha .. yes .. he wants us to feel alone and distant from the people who love and care for us .. haha .. as well as from the circumstance we must face .. but friends .. His Word tells us plainly .. two are better than one .. if one of us falls .. the other can lift us up .. and yes .. if temptation can overpower one alone .. together we can easily resist .. haha .. no friends .. we never have to feel alone .. for no matter where we are .. deep in the valley or high on the mountain .. He’s with us .. He watches over us .. and yes .. He’ll hold our hand whenever we need Him .. all we have to do is ask .. haha .. bottom line .. He’s our strong tower that the enemy simply cannot climb .. He welcomes us to the safety of His wing .. for yes yes yes .. we can and will rise above the storm during these times .. by simply keeping our focus on Him .. haha .. and yes sweet friends .. it’s just that plain simple .. haha .. oh yeah .. Love Wins Period
“Two are better than one .. because they have a good return for their labor .. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up”

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