I love waking up with the choice as to whether or not to have a grateful heart right out of the shoot .. haha .. oh yes .. for me like most all of you am grateful for so many things .. grateful for our God .. grateful for our families .. grateful for our many blessings .. and yes .. grateful for one another .. and yes .. I can personally attest .. haha .. waking up this way is definitely the right direction for the making of a wonderful day .. think about it .. our lives are transformed when we allow gratitude to fill our hearts .. and then yes .. allow it spill over into our days .. so .. by fixing our eyes on Jesus and all He’s done for us .. we can .. and yes .. will be more than conquerors in whatever situation we may face .. for the truth is .. every day that we wake up and choose to be grateful our lives are impacted .. we’re able to look at the day with the anticipation of just what He’s going to do in our lives .. what He’s going to teach us .. and yes .. what He’s going to do through us .. for yes .. it’s when we choose to be grateful our lives become a reflection of His grace to the world .. for yes .. His very presence becomes so evident when we cultivate this attitude of gratefulness that we can sense His delight down deep in our very souls .. haha .. oh yes sweet friends .. to “BE Grateful” creates an atmosphere of faith .. and yes yes yes .. faith pleases Him big .. so in turn ..it’s through our faith that we get to see miracles happen.. and that my friends .. is yes! .. big big big .. so again .. haha .. oh yeah .. love wins period
“This is the day that the Lord has made .. let us rejoice and be glad in it”

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