Change is Constant

Change is Constant

Change is one of those constants in life – some changes are positive, while yes, others are negative. Either way change can be stressful. God teaches us two great truths about change. One – despite the changing world around us, He is changeless and...
Solutions Come

Solutions Come

Often when problems occur, we revert to thinking that if we put our life on hold we can positively contribute to the solution. More often than not, the solution comes when we let go enough to get back to our lives and stop obsessing about it. We don’t have to...
No More Excuses

No More Excuses

I don’t know about you, but for me – it’ s always been in the weakest moments of my life that I’ve found some of God’s biggest blessings. I know it sounds silly, but yet, it’s so true – and yes, I know there’s not a...
Be Grateful

Be Grateful

I love waking up on Thanksgiving Day – it’s not only a day when we get together and feast – it’s a day when we really focus and express what we’re grateful for in our lives, and with that – we’ll find that being grateful...
And That’s a Wrap

And That’s a Wrap

We just finished our last big wedding weekend, and as fitting it may be – we married one of our own. It was a beautiful sunny Sunday spent watching Kate and her mom old and mom new – get their hair and makeup done for the big day. It’s Kate and...
Mindset Matters

Mindset Matters

God gave us a mind to use – it’s important to keep it in shape. Otherwise the enemy will defeat us in our thought life, while yes, trying to separate us from our faith and what we believe. No, we can’t stop those thoughts, however, we absolutely do...

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